To Have the POWER to shape the FUTURE

After 50 years of passionate history, EUROMOLD wants to embrace its FUTURE to stay ahead of the power accessories market.

Nexans EUROMOLD has a very ambitious industrial project. It relies on large industrial investments and the implementation of a new plant lay-out to accelerate the automation and the digitalization of the production lines.

Nexans EUROMOLD is strongly committed to reduce its ecological footprint and defined an environmental plan that supports Nexans ambition on strong carbon emission reduction. Nexans EUROMOLD keeps pushing towards eco-friendly product design and manufacturing, like the new 200LR/SR separable connectors (-45 kg of equivalent CO2 production saved per connector compared to previous interface A).

Customer orientation becomes crucial than ever. To react fast to customer’s requests, Nexans EUROMOLD is preparing profound supply chain changes. A new centralized and modern logistics platform will improve the supply chain performance, create more value for customers, and sustain EUROMOLD’s market leadership on connectors!

The future of Nexans EUROMOLD looks bright with the efforts and investments that have already been initiated, with a strong focus on environment and customers!



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