Cryogenic lines for industrial applications

Nexans supplies systems and components for the transfer of fluids from the storage tank to the point of use. The modularity and flexibility allow to build cryogenic industrial lines in reduced time compared to rigid piping.

Many industries rely on cryogenics for their products. Would it be in the medical, space, and technological applications, cryogenics can be used in a variety of fields. An infrastructure made of cryogenic systems is required in order to maintain very cold (cryogenic) temperatures for preserving liquefied gases.

Nexans flexible cryogenic transfer lines are tailor-made as per the specific application requirements and site configuration ensuring a trouble-free installation and easy reconfiguration of industrial shopfloors.

Food and beverages

Nexans lines play a critical function for the cryogenic refrigeration which speeds up cooling operations and protect the quality of the product. Our cryogenic lines are recognized technologies and used in cryogenic freezing tunnels, cooling containers and immersion tanks, which operate with liquid nitrogen at -196°C. Nexans solutions are also used in processes where drips of liquid nitrogen generate inert conditioning atmospheres for packaging.


Medical and pharmaceutics

Nexans lines can be found in all medical and pharmaceutical processes involving cryogeny with applications in:

  • Cryosauna, cryosurgery, skin treatment, storage of biological materials, manufacturing and storage of drugs & vaccines.
  • We recently equipped new generation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines embedding superconducting magnets that need to be cooled in liquid helium at -269°C!
  • In the pharma industry, Nexans cryogenic lines can be incorporated in manufacturing processes such as freeze drying which is often applied to vaccines, serums and antibiotics.

Some processes require the safe generation of electronic components with inert production areas. Cryogenic helps preventing the potential damage that oxidation, humidity and high temperatures could cause to electronic components during the manufacturing. Applications also include the microchip testing enabling to check the reaction of chips to low temperature conditions.


Nexans cryolines are used to transfer liquid nitrogen in cold shrinking processes (shrink joints) and leak detection tests. They can also be used in the automotive industry for connecting hydrogen filling stations with hydrogen-fueled cars or heavy vehicles.


Liquid nitrogen applies in civil engineering construction processes, in which the soil is solidified by artificially freezing the soil water (soil freezing).


Liquid nitrogen is applied in the treatment of metals. For example, nitrogen comes into play as a coolant in the hardening of steel to achieve the necessary cooling times for microstructural transformation. 


Our engineering team works closely with you to design and manufacture turnkey cryogenic transfer system customized to your specifications.

Our service portfolio covers pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, technical development, manufacturing and testing, installation and after-sales maintenance & support.

For spare parts, our service team will remain at your service.

Would you like to know more about our Cryogenic Systems ?

Nexans Cryogenic Systems


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