Power distribution

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Worldwide electricity consumption is increasing. However, there are still 770 million people without access to electricity in the world (IEA (2022), SDG7: Data and Projections). For decades, there has been heated discussion about the cheapest, most efficient and safest way of producing electricity. In the wake of blackouts, there is also growing concern about transmission and distribution. Infrastructure reliability and grid interconnectability are now seen as the keys to a sustainable supply of electrical power.

To ensure continuous energy supply, avoid costly power outages and shutdowns and foster the development of renewable energy, power distribution systems need to accommodate and connect an ever-wider variety of power sources, while ensuring reliability all along the line.

Nexans offers fully integrated turnkey solutions to all Transmission System Operators and Distribution System Operators, to seamlessly upgrade their networks and grids, from cables and cabling solutions including HV, MV and LV accessories to the most advanced services for business continuity and grid management.

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